If you’ve been to a Roman Catholic Mass or an Episcopalian Eucharist, you’ll find the structure of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy familiar. It begins with prayer, scripture and teaching, and concludes with Holy Communion (traditionally called the Liturgy of the Catechumens and the Liturgy of the Faithful).
These two segments of the Divine Liturgy are sometimes called The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist. When we gather for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, we encounter God and we are nourished by God in a very special way. We affirm that the Lord is present in the Holy Scriptures as well as in the Sacramental Mystery of Communion. We are nourished by God’s Word. We are nourished by Holy Communion.
The Orthodox Church has never known the practice of “open communion” found among some faith traditions. Holy Communion is reserved for Orthodox Christians who have prepared for the Sacramental Mystery. Orthodox Christians affirm that Christ is truly present in the Holy Communion we receive. You’ll find more information about Communion practices on your first visit.
After Sunday services, you’re invited to join us for refreshments in the parish hall. You’ll find a friendly welcome, good conversation, and an atmosphere where you are invited to share your story and ask any questions you wish.
For More Information
12 Things I Wish I’d Known…First Visit to an Orthodox Church