At the parish meeting on Oct. 31, the parish council presented the beginnings of a five-year plan for the parish.The plan is a way to improve St. Nicholas Parish life while at the same time building stronger relationships and more richer spiritual lives for participants.
Based on feedback from the planning survey, we have divided our efforts into five “work groups”–areas where we can put our efforts for parish growth at all levels. Here are the titles of the work groups:
- Worship and Prayer Together
- Spiritual Growth
- Christian Education for All Ages
- Service into and for the Local Community
- Social Life and Fellowship
We call them work groups because their purpose is to carry out specific actions in those areas. The groups themselves, in collaboration with clergy and other parish leadership, will decide what needs to be done and in what order. We look to parishioners to carefully consider what they’re willing and able to do, given their own circumstances. Use the forms below to sign up for work groups.
We ask each person who is committed to St. Nicholas to volunteer for one or more of the groups, according to your gifts and interests. We promise not to ask more than you can give, but we want to give you the opportunity to make St. Nicholas grow in both size and depth. Members will be able to join or leave any group at any time.
We’re taking the time between now and the end of the year to collect volunteers to the work groups. In January we’ll have our first meetings, live or online depending on the needs and preferences of the members. Each group will be led by a member of the parish council, at least in the beginning.
Please consider prayerfully how you can help. Starting Sunday, Nov. 14, there will be physical signup sheets in the parish hall. You may also email the parish council with your work group choice(s) to be added to the list.
Thank you in advance for joining and participating in this amazing journey! Please contact the parish council ( if you have any questions.
2021 Parish Council
Work Group Signup
Sign up using the form below for one or more of the workgroups forming at St. Nicholas Church, Portland.